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With simplecall’s cheap rates you can for hours and hours to India. simplecall has made calling India simple and easy with its PINless international calling service that gives you a chance to call India at really low rates starting from 1.6p /min for mobiles and landlines. And our low prices don’t mean a compromise in quality. You can try our services today by registering at and become our member for free and try our services today

Use our amazing features.

Compared to what a typical call would cost you from UK to India , our service saves your over 90% on your phone bills. And then remember unlike calling cards where you have to carry the plastic calling card wherever you go incase you needed to use it in emergency, simplecall is a completely online calling card. So you don’t have to carry anything with you. With simplecall you can make calls using your landlines, mobile or your smartphone.

A Super power in the becoming

India gained independence in 1947. It shares its border with regional powers like China and has an important trade and cultural connection Internationally. India is home to the famed Taj Mahal, one of the wonders of the world. India also houses the second largest population of the world where even a state such as Uttar pardesh is bigger than several European countries combined